The qualities of pears: the fruit of love for plants
Although pear trees produce edible fruit themselves, the most common varieties of pears are selected by expert botanists and agriculturalists. The most well-known is the Williams pear, a type of pear which has been grown in England since the end of the eighteenth century. It has a rounded shape and juicy flesh. There is also a red variety called the Max Red Bartlett. The Decane pear arrived from France at the beginning of the nineteenth century: the yellow-green skin with reddish stripes surrounds its sweet and solid flesh. The Kaiser pear is also from France (otherwise known as the Bosc pear). Its tobacco-coloured skin “anticipates” its aromatic and sweet yet sharp flesh. There is also the Passe Crassane pear mentioned by the author Marcel Proust for its scent of roses. In Italy, we can celebrate ancient varieties of pear like the summer Spadona pear native to the Salerno area with its green skin and extremely fine white flesh.